10,000 hours to transform area
10,000 hours. Nearly four hundred and seventeen days. Or just over thirteen months if you work it out.

Causeway Coast Vineyard Church is aiming to quash thirteen months-worth of volunteer hours into the space of just one half-term week with the sole aim of transforming the communities around us.

With budgets for local councils and education authorities cut some areas of the borough have not had all the attention they’ve needed. Grass verges have gone uncut and minor repairs left unfixed.

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But Vineyard don’t want that to be the story we are living in our towns.

Neil Young, Associate Pastor at Causeway Coast Vineyard says: ‘I recognise that we can’t do 10,000 hours on our own, but I’m excited about the fact that as we move out, people are going to join us. This is about stepping out to change what we see around us, about getting stuck in and making a difference as well as having a bit of fun in the process.

“From October 26 to November 1 a wave of willing volunteers [will be] released with all manner of paint brushes, litter pickers and strimmers in hand to help both institutions and individuals.

“With the enthusiastic support of Causeway Coast and Glens Mayor Michelle Knight-McQuillan we are planning to donate a total of 10,000 volunteer hours to make a practical difference to our local areas.

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“We are expecting a week’s worth of fun and solidarity as they work together with people from all walks of life and all generations.

“There have been a number of schools and agencies in our area who have invited us in to help with various tasks including painting, cleaning and gardening. Among those we will be helping are Ballysally Primary, Ballymoney Model, Limavady High alongside the Simon Community, Harpur’s Hill Community and Bohill House Care Home.

“Alongside the larger projects we are going to be turning up in streets across Coleraine, Portrush, Portstewart and Ballymoney to make a difference where you live if you will come out with us. We are planning all sorts of litter-picking, grass cutting and painting jobs as well as doing giveaways throughout the course of the week. I guess you could say we are inviting you to love your own neighbourhood along with us.”