Banned for nine months

A MAN with his arm in a sling could not drive his van home from the Causeway Hospital and a friend who took the wheel tried to get out through the wrong carpark exit before reversing and striking a vehicle.

Samuel Black (29), of Bushmills Road, Causeway, was driving after midnight on March 27 this year and he appeared at Coleraine Magistrates Court charged with a number of offences. He pleaded guilty to charges of failing to stop and failing to report an accident and absence of insurance and driving licence and was banned from the road for nine months and fined £325. A prosecutor said the defendant was with another man who received treatment and they both returned to the van when a witness saw Black drive to an exit but when he could not get out of the carpark he reversed and collided with a vehicle before trying to leave again.

The witness saw a tattoo on Black’s hand which helped identify the defendant.

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