Trio appeared in the dock to answer terrorism charges and conspiracy to kill

THE three defendants all appeared in the dock last Friday morning at Craigavon Magistrates Court.

They were 43-year-old Damien Duffy, of Campbell Walk, Lurgan, 48-year-old Paul John Duffy, of Ailsbury Gardens, Lurgan, and 43-year-old Shane Duffy, of Kilwilke Road, Lurgan.

All four are charged that between November 29, 2009 and May 14, 2012, they engaged in gathering information with the intention of committing acts of terrorism.

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They are also charged that in the same period they collected information likely to be useful to terrorists.

It is also alleged that between June 7, 2011, and May 14, 2012, they conspired to murder and conspired to cause an explosion.

Paul John Duffy is charged on his own with directing the activities of a dissident republican grouping.

Earlier in the week at Wednesday’s court all three were remanded into police custody for further questioning.

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A detective constable said they would be questioned about other separate offences, saying it was necessary for inquiries to be made into these matters.

She denied the material came from other suspects who were arrested.