IN PICTURES: Take a look through the Larne Times’ archive

Recipients of Basic Food Hygiene Certificates who received their awards at a special reception in the Mayor's parlour in Larne. 1989.Recipients of Basic Food Hygiene Certificates who received their awards at a special reception in the Mayor's parlour in Larne. 1989.
Recipients of Basic Food Hygiene Certificates who received their awards at a special reception in the Mayor's parlour in Larne. 1989.
Take a look back at the good old days with our selection of photographs from the paper’s archive.

More every week in the Larne Times.

If you have any old photographs that you would like to share with our readers, we would love to hear from you.

Do you have photographs from school? Maybe a sports team you played on? Or a special event that was a special memory?

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Members of St MacNissi's Youth Club and Larne High School Youth Club who played a series of friendly matches for a new community trophy. The Larne High School team were the first winners of the trophy. 1989.Members of St MacNissi's Youth Club and Larne High School Youth Club who played a series of friendly matches for a new community trophy. The Larne High School team were the first winners of the trophy. 1989.
Members of St MacNissi's Youth Club and Larne High School Youth Club who played a series of friendly matches for a new community trophy. The Larne High School team were the first winners of the trophy. 1989.

We would love to see them. Send any old photographs, together with any details you have about the photo, to [email protected] and we will use as many as we can in the paper.

*Note: Some pictures may have been cropped for web publication purposes.